Your privacy is very important to us. COLS uses a number of physical, technical, and administrative procedures to protect the privacy of your personal information, including your Account Information, biological data, and your survey responses.
Here are the main ways we protect your privacy:
- Your Account Information including your name, address, date of birth, and other personal identifiers will be stored separately from your clinical health data, biological data, and survey responses.
- A unique identifier will link your Account Information to your other data and only a small number of trained individuals will be able to access that information.
- All data being analyzed by COLS Investigators and Qualified Researchers will be linked to unique identifiers but stripped of personally identifiable information (“de-identified”).
- Only de-identified, pooled data across multiple participants is allowed to be published.
- All COLS employees and contractors that interact with COLS data are trained on how to work with human research participants.